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You Can Lose Weight Naturally With These 11 Simple Strategies

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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Keeping in shape and losing weight is somewhat of a science these days, but it has gotten to the point where it is so damn overwhelming that many people don’t even bother. Most people have busy lives, so counting calories, measuring food, and tracking their progress isn’t feasible for them. I have used this method myself and with clients at times, especially when the person is very out of touch with their bodies, eating patterns, and behaviors.

When it comes to weight loss, or more specifically, maintaining a happy, healthy body, it all comes down to implementing small habits and doing so consistently.

Throughout this article, I will provide you with 21 of the most useful weight loss tips that you can implement with a sense of simplicity and then get on with actually living your life. The first part of this article has been divided into two articles since it had become a bit long. These are the first eleven.

Consider scanning through and taking note of which habits are most relevant to you and which would have the most impact. Start with one and build on that. This can then be saved and you can return to it in a gradual manner, implementing one habit at a time.


Stop fighting your body, learn to love it, and let it be easy.

  1. An alternative to counting calories and macros: a hand measurement tool for building the perfect plate

You cannot lose weight by just watching what you eat, but also by watching how much you eat. We tend to eat much bigger portions than our bodies actually require to thrive today. Similarly, most people (including myself) detest having to weigh and measure foods every single day. Many people’s busy schedules and those who don’t want to obsess over every bite of food make it impossible for this method to work. It’s a good way to start getting in tune with your body’s needs when starting out when you’re using Precision Nutrition’s Hand Portion method.

Make sure you use the portion guide shown above when preparing each of your meals. Start paying attention to how you feel with these new portions.


  1. Eat more slowly

From the moment food hits the stomach, it takes time for the brain to recognize that you have eaten enough. When you slow down, you are not only able to taste and enjoy your food more, but you will also improve the digestion process (digestion begins in the mouth) and be more likely to listen to your body.

Make sure you take at least 30 minutes at mealtimes. It is better to eat your meals sitting down, rather than standing up or eating on the run. Before swallowing, chew food thoroughly. Are you enjoying what you are eating? Are you noting the flavors, the consistency?

  1. Eat mindfully, without distractions, and until you’re 80% full

You probably know how much food you normally eat, so using the method in point one could help you reduce your portion sizes a little. As you slow down in point two, you will now be able to tune into your body and its feelings of fullness during mealtimes. By regulating your appetite, you can reduce the need to impose rules around food and increase your freedom. Observe how your body feels before, during, and after meals. Ask yourself, “Am I hungry now?”? What does my stomach feel like? Take a moment to notice without distraction. When I eat, I usually watch YouTube or read a book, so stop that and be present with what you are eating. When you start to feel full, you will know.

At 80% full, you should feel energised, satisfied, as if you still have room for dessert, but not necessarily need it. A little tightness in your stomach feels like you’re getting closer to 100% full. Take note of that.

  1. Consume lean protein at every meal

You’ve heard this one before, no doubt. When you eat a lean source of protein at most meals, your body not only gets what it needs to build and repair cells, but you’ll also feel full, which will give you more energy throughout the day.

Decide on the protein sources that you like, such as eggs, plain greek yoghurt, fish, chicken, cultured cottage cheese, tempeh, lentils, and beans if you are a plant-based eater. Add palm-sized portions of protein to most of your meals, especially breakfast, which can drastically reduce hunger levels throughout the day.

  1. Consume healthy fats

Unsaturated fats are essential for a healthy, happy body, even though we tend to give fat a wide birth. Fat provides your body with energy, protects your organs, supports cell growth, lowers cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and helps your body absorb nutrients. It has also been shown to support the health of your brain.

A thumb-size serving of fat should be added to your meals according to the hand portion guide. Nuts and seeds are among the unrefined, healthy fats, along with oils and oily fish.

  1. Eat whole foods that are minimally processed

Natural foods do not have added extras such as salt, fat, and sugar that are often found in processed foods. There are fewer calories in whole foods than in processed foods, so you can consume more food. It would be easy to eat 12 Dorito crisps at around 150kcal and not even touch the sides of a punnet of strawberries for approximately 128 kcal. Furthermore, who can eat just 12 Doritos and stop there?

ACTION – Choose natural foods more often.

  1. Avoid drinking your calories

In the same way as the calorie-dense processed food in the Dorito example above, calorie-heavy drinks are not filling. There is no satiating effect from adding calories without something that takes up more space in the stomach.

It’s so easy to switch out sugary drinks or pop for water. This can have a huge impact on your overall calorie consumption. Try to reduce the amount of sugar in your tea and coffee and drink plain water.

  1. Prepare meals at home

You might have to work up to this one if you’re used to eating out a lot. Start by taking your own lunch to work a few times per week. In addition to being better for your wallet, you will also be able to diversify your diet and give yourself more control over what you choose to nourish your body with.

Take some time to look at recipes and get ideas for meals. Find out what you like and keep things simple so you can get started. For healthy meal ideas, Pinterest is a great free resource. It’s easy to come back to my favorites here because I save a lot here.

  1. The volume density over the calorie density

The rationale for this is to eat whole foods and consume food for calories over liquids. Make sure you consume volume-dense foods instead of calorie-dense foods. As I explain in greater detail in the article below, you will feel fuller without overconsuming calories when you eat these kinds of foods.

Take action by adding vegetables to half of your plate. It is important to eat nutrient-dense foods in order to feel full while also providing your body with the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive. Eat fruits and vegetables as snacks.

  1. Train your muscles by lifting weights

Strength training and cardio aren’t at odds here, I think both have their place for a healthy body. However, strength training will help you maintain a sexy look and keep your body strong. By increasing the amount of lean muscle on your body, you will also raise your metabolic rate. This will allow your body to consume more calories. Plan to lift heavier and work on strength during two sessions per week.

  1. Neat over exercises

When trying to lose weight, many people fail to realize that structured workouts only account for about 20% of your daily energy expenditure. Keeping a healthy body weight will be difficult if you train for 3 hours a week and spend the other 165 hours sitting on your backside. Keeping a healthy body weight is dependent in part on Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT). Maintain an active lifestyle, especially if you work at a desk all day. It’s a good idea to check in on your step count each day and see where you stand, then gradually increase it. It’s best to walk whenever you can, but if you can get outside, that’s even better.


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