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These 6 smoothie mistakes are making you gain weight

These 6 smoothie mistakes are making you gain weight
These 6 smoothie mistakes are making you gain weight
These 6 smoothie mistakes are making you gain weight

Smoothies are a refreshing, nutritious drink with all possible tastes and colors. They are not about how pretty they look, but what all they can give to your body.


We often make the same mistakes when mixing these life’s refreshments, since nothing is as perfect as it may appear at first glance.

If you want to lose excess kilos, here are some tips. Eliminate these mistakes as quickly as possible and make your smoothie even healthier.


1. There is a fiber deficiency in your smoothie recipe.

Fiber is like a magic weight loss pill, but it won’t cost you your whole life savings at the pharmacy. It’s free and free of toxic chemicals that makes it even better to utilize. You can find it straight from the available natural sources and it will perfectly satisfy your hunger between meals.

2. Your smoothie is lacking protein

It does not matter how green your smoothie is, you need at least 10 grams full of protein every day to maintain energy levels. You can get it all full of protein by adding milk, soy milk, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, soft tofu, beans, nuts or peanut or almond butter.

3. You get too much sugar from too many fruits.

It is of course very important that this drink not only taste good but also be healthy, full of vitamins, fiber and proteins derived from vegetables and fruits. However, you should not go overboard. Drinking a cold and creamy smoothie made from different fruits is not beneficial for your body and diet.

4. You make the smoothie by adding ingredients that are considered “healthy”

Let’s go back to calories for a moment. Unfortunately, even foods that are healthy do not always have low calories. Fruits like apples, pears, mangoes, cherries and bananas easily contain hundreds of calories. In order to achieve great results, keep the amounts of these ingredients to a minimum and you will see great results.

5. A smoothie can be a meal replacement

Smoothies may contain a few hundred calories or more, but you should only consume them within your daily calorie limit of 2,000. To avoid taking hundreds of excess calories, divide your favorite smoothie recipe into two halves.

6. Drink it tomorrow after you prepare it today.

One more mistake we’d like to mention is that a smoothie should be prepared just before you consume it. However, if you’re out of time and want to prepare a smoothie for breakfast in the morning, be sure to place it in the refrigerator and eat it the following morning.


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