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The five love lies that we have all been told while growing up

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The five love lies that we have all been told while growing up
The five love lies that we have all been told while growing up
The five love lies that we have all been told while growing up


A kid’s life is filled with all sorts of experiences, all unique and beautiful in their own ways.

Your mind must have assimilated some information while you were going through this; some of which are probably not so true.


There are some which are religious in nature, some which are focused on sex and your sexuality, but many which are also about relationships and dating.

Let’s take a look back at our favorite fallacious statements of all time:


1. If you let a guy touch you, you’ll get pregnant

A lot of young girls get this issue when they just have their first period and the breasts are just beginning to become visible.

A lot of people were told these things, too. Some were told that talking to a boy would make them get pregnant; others were told sitting close to a boy would get them pregnant. Of course, it’s different now.

2. A true soul mate

Many people still believe that one person was born for them all along. A relationship with anyone other than this person is unlikely to be as fulfilling.

It’s the opposite. There are numerous options you could pick from who would make great, great partners. You could also meet someone great only to have a dump relationship if you don’t do your part. Relationships aren’t predestined by heaven.

3. You should not take her serious if she says yes too soon.

Another common myth many people have been told is that you have to chase a woman without ceasing. No one has that kind of free time, and while some relationships do start that way, there is no rule that says all relationships have to begin that way.

There is no real reason for the quality of a relationship to be determined by how many hours, days, months, or years it took to form.

4. Sex on a first date

A man will not be taken seriously if you sleep with him on the first date. This remains a contested topic even till today. However is it true? Not exactly. The rules that apply here are pretty much the same as the ones that apply to becoming a couple too early.

A guy can dump you after the first date or 10 times. And if he’s really into you, he’s gonna stick with you for a long time.

5. Toasting a man is unacceptable.

All babies were told that. It’s 2021 now, sis, I hope you don’t believe in that horse dung anymore.


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