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Sick Man of Europe: Part 2

Sick Man of Europe: Part 2

Sick Man of Europe: Part 2
And yet – yes. Reality throws up more and more sad evidence that our long-suffering Russia is the new “sick man of Europe”. Little by little, without noticing how, we found ourselves in the position of “the smallest predator in the pack” – and such, alas, will face a sad fate. No, in abundant times such people are tolerated and even allowed to hunt with everyone, why not? But when the period of starvation comes, and the predators are looking for someone to devour, their gaze just falls on the smallest in their own flock … “Further – silence.”

Why we are the smallest – and no need to prove. The US – 330 million people, the EU – 500 million, China – 1.4 billion, India – 1.4 billion. The US, as you can see, is in second place from the bottom – but they are the richest and most technologically advanced. And we cannot boast of either technology or wealth, and besides, we are in last place in terms of population. Moreover, we are already inferior to some “regional powers”, for example, Turkey. They have attack drones, but we don’t. Why? In response – vague mooing, which is unambiguously interpreted as “because they are fools.”

In general, there is an opinion in the world that it is time to drive us under the box. And this manifests itself in a variety of episodes of the current news agenda, even formally very far from any “geopolitics”. For example – this is the news of yesterday and today about the closure of Memorials in Russia. The Putinists are quietly triumphant, the liberals are sending curses – while for some reason no one asks the question “why, in fact?”

After all, an outlandish thing happened. Memorial has existed quietly almost since the 1980s, it is the oldest human rights public organization. She exposed 30 years of the crime of the Stalinist regime, no one touched her. Note that for the last 20 plus years the Memorial has been working “under Putin” – and he not only did not condemn her, but often spoke out in solidarity with her. For example, in 2007, Putin went to the Butovo training ground and gave a heartfelt speech there, where he said the following:

“We really have gathered to honor the memory of the victims of political repression,” Vladimir Putin said after visiting the Butovo memorial complex. “We all know well that although the 37th year is considered the peak of repressions, it was prepared by the previous years of cruelty.” From tens of thousands of those executed, the count went to hundreds, from hundreds to millions. And they were born, he explained, for obvious reasons – “when ideals, attractive at first glance, but vain in practice, became higher than the value of human life.” In those years, the country lost not just citizens. As a rule, Putin noted, these were “people with their own opinion, people who were not afraid to express it, the color of the nation. ”Such things undoubtedly negatively affect the development of the country. Modern Russia has everything so as not to repeat the bitter experience of the past. “For the development of the country, for the choice of the most effective ways, political disputes, battles, a struggle of opinions are needed,” Putin said. “This struggle should not take place outside the framework of the cultural space.”

By the way, pay attention to the source: this is not even Echo of Moscow – this is the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the official organ of the Russian government. And it was in the RG that Putin spoke about “the count of those executed by millions”, “the peak of repression”, “lost the color of the nation”, “political disputes are needed” (?!). Under the current laws, Putin himself should have been judged as an extremist!

Because now SUDDENLY the Memorial was not just closed “as a foreign agent” – there are also extremely revealing words in the verdict of the Supreme Court: the Memorial was accused (!) Of “creating the image of the USSR as a terrorist state”! This is the official language of the court.

I, as they say, go nuts, dear edition. What is it like?! What business does a court in the Russian Federation care about the image of a long-defunct state? Maybe then our court will also condemn the writer Tolkien for “the image of Mordor as a terrorist state”? Since when has a court in the Russian Federation been obliged to defend the image of the USSR? We read the Constitution – the USSR is not mentioned there at all. We climb the Internet – yes, in the Soviet (!) Criminal codes there was a whole article for “anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda”; but what happens – the Supreme Court judges according to the laws of a scoop that has sunk into oblivion?

It’s extremely interesting how such a thing could have happened. And why exactly now ?! We find the answer, as always, from our wonderful insider, ex-chief ideologist of the United Russia party (and now the New People party) Alexei Chadayev. It turns out that everything is simple: a global redistribution is being prepared in the world, any redistribution always occurs at the expense of the weakest, and this is precisely Russia. And the first thing the Russian Federation is going to do, of course, is to be kicked out of the UN Security Council. Everything has been prepared for this by the “new normalcy” – the public has been taught to “retrospective revision.” Watson, the discoverer of DNA, was recently stripped of the Nobel Prize for politically incorrect statements. The wrong person, they say, turned out to be a man unworthy of the Nobel Prize!

In the United States, monuments to the “founding fathers” are being felled with might and main, the reason is the same: unseemly facts were revealed, they were all, horror, slave owners!

The turn should have smoothly flowed from people and historical figures to countries and peoples. For example, to Russia. By what, in fact, is the right to take a seat in the UN Security Council and even have a “veto right” there? Because you won the war? In what – over fascism ?! And what kind of Russia is the winner, if in the form of the USSR it was a dictatorship country no better than a fascist one, and “Stalin is worse than Hitler” ?!

This, it turns out, is where the rituals that became so active in Russia in the second half of the “tenths” about the fact that “Stalin can in no way be equated with Hitler”! And the sharp, obvious attempts of state propaganda to make a sharp 180-degree turn, and all the studies showing that the Stalinist regime was still no less repressive than Hitler’s – they began to put pressure not only through censorship, but also with the help of direct police! Here it is just as opportune to recall the name “Dmitriev” – who, right here, “at the turning point,” suddenly abruptly changed a full almost justification for a “pedophile” article and … 15 years! What is Dmitriev’s fault before the state? Precisely in what he argued – the crimes of “Nazism” are crimes of Stalinism, literally.

And this is, in fact, “the recognition of the USSR as a terrorist state.” The shooting of prisoners of war! Violation of all conventions!

In general, as Chadayev himself writes: “The memorial is such a well through which proofs are pumped out of our bowels, why it would be high time for the Russian Federation to withdraw its membership in the UN Security Council and its nuclear arsenal – as elements of what was once obtained obviously in a criminal way. The logic and ethics of the process is that Stalin is worse than Hitler, Bolshevism deserves its Nuremberg and therefore obviously cannot remain part of the foundation of the world order any longer. And that is why, by the way, the events around the Memorial are so important news in the world media ”.

Well, Putin, therefore, in his last desperate effort, is trying to patch up this hole. As if not realizing that this is all empty, if the question has become like this. One might think that the “senior predators” and without further work of the Memorial, there is not enough evidence that “Bolshevism deserves its Nuremberg.”

It deserves, of course – it’s pointless to argue.

In general, a continuous reflex policy, an attempt to patch holes and frantically respond to yesterday’s threats. Sorry sight.

By the way, the current – seemingly absolutely absurd – saber rattling in the steppes of Ukraine also takes on meaning. Some kind of “red lines”, ultimatums to NATO … It is clear that all this is not due to an excess of force, but on the contrary – from impotence.

Honestly, I don’t understand – what prevents the union of senior predators from expelling the Russian Federation from the UN Security Council right now? Who will stand up for us – China? I strongly doubt it. In all, it turns out that about no one. Russia is in complete isolation, thanks to the native government. Well, as usual, they “bomb Voronezh”, in this case – the Memorial.

And why Putin was so worried is also understandable: he really does not want to go down in history as the very ruler under whom Russia lost its membership in the UN Security Council. Moreover, he already has one such “achievement” – the loss of membership in the G8.

In an amicable way, of course, in such a dead-end situation, the best remedy is an emergency replacement of the ruling person. This often makes it possible, as it were, to “nullify” the burden of the past, to establish some new agreements, to try into new alliances … Moreover, everything about Putin is already clear – “he will not plow deeply”; it is difficult to expect any revelations from a person after 20 years of dating. “All that you could, you have already done.”

But … alas. Just the only possible way out is blocked. We will rot further, dutifully preparing for further losses.

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