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How to make profit from EZOIC ads with new website

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Image Credit: Pexels


Ezoic makes earning money from your website easier than ever

You cannot imagine anything more encouraging than to see your first few advertisements appear. It’s the ultimate passive income, regardless of how much you earn. Website advertising may be exhausting, but it actually generates revenue while you sleep.

It’s unlikely that you’ll see much ad revenue at the beginning of the website. Initially, only Google Adsense is available on your new website.

Even though you’re only earning a few cents per day, this isn’t the worst thing in the world. Increasing your site traffic allows you to access more premium advertising networks. They require a minimum number of visitors per month, however.

You can now find Ezoic ads on websites even with little traffic – it’s a free ad network.

There are many advertising networks, but many require 30,000 to 50,000 monthly visitors. The idea of making money with a website may seem impossible if you haven’t yet reached that position. Join  Ezoic.

A Google-certified publisher partner, Ezoic is a premium ad network. Many businesses and websites have chosen it as well because you only need 10,000 visitors a month. Compared to Google Adsense, it was a perfect upgrade.

A 10,000-visitor target may still seem unrealistic to you if your business or site is in its early days. The goal can be achieved, though. Without social media, I was able to get 30,000 visitors to one of my websites in less than eight months.

Now, Ezoic no longer requires 10,000 visitors.

The move is significant, as it allows more creators to be paid.

Create as much quality content as possible in the early days of your website. Focus on quality, engaging content first; don’t worry about the money. Then you can look into advertising. You need to build a base first.

It doesn’t take you as long to wait as it once did. A significant benefit of this move by Ezoic is that advertising can now be considered earlier than ever. 

However little you earn online, it is encouraging to see how much you can earn from it.

In addition, Ezoic gives you access to high-quality advertisers. A lower-end network will have many casino ads as well as erectile dysfunction ads. Probably not the best way to add some class to your site.

Your website gets more credibility by working with Ezoic’s partners. It’s best for them to be of high quality if we’re going to see ads everywhere on the internet.

Ezoic is currently the go-to ad network for more than 300 sites that have at least one million page views a month. Additionally, over 780 million people visit websites that use Ezoic each month.


What You Need To Know About Ezoic Before Starting

In general, the startup process is pretty straightforward. Start your application by visiting their website. You will be guided through the setup process to get your site connected.

You can easily install it using a WordPress plugin, and their customer service is exceptional. Adding another site to Ezoic is as simple as logging in to your dashboard, clicking on “add a site” in the top left corner, and following the steps to add it.

Ezoic lets you experiment with placeholders when you start. The precise positions where the ads can be seen on your site are listed here. They have guides for all of this, and it is easy to follow. Since Ezoic uses artificial intelligence to determine which placements work best, you should use as many placeholders as possible.

Moreover, machine learning analyzes how your visitors use your site and then displays ads in the most effective places. Ezoic gets smarter over time – and you make more money the longer it is on your site.

A top feature of the app is the ability to customize how many ads will appear. There are three options: “user-focused” (fewer ads) “revenue-focused” (more ads) and “balanced.”

My favorite thing about Ezoic is how I can easily switch between different settings. In the months leading up to the holidays, I begin to focus on revenue, since the rates on ads are higher then. I will set it back to balanced or user-focused in the other months.


This announcement is a big step forward for Ezoic.

 Creators who continue to grow at a high rate will no longer be rewarded. Even though traffic to your business and website may not be coming yet, they will eventually.

During these early stages, Ezoic wishes to assist people. You will reap more benefits as you grow. Allowing websites of different levels to participate is an excellent idea. The elitism usually associated with advertising networks is displaced by this approach.

Now is a great time to check out Ezoic if you’re a new business or your site has grown.


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