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Here are some tips for introducing mindful eating to your family

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels



Enhance your self-awareness about your eating habits and behaviors.

By becoming more aware of your eating habits and behaviors, you can create long-term changes in your health and body. Change begins with awareness. The best diet in the world won’t amount to anything if you keep sabotaging it and feel powerless to stick with it.

You can deepen your relationship with food as well as your relationship with yourself by practicing mindfulness. Increasing your self-awareness and providing you with the tools to continue making positive health changes. When you first start practicing mindful eating, journaling can be a supportive tool for you (you can read about how to start a journaling practice here). If you commit to putting pen to paper rather than just thinking about the answers, you will be able to go much deeper into the questions.

It is okay to take your time with it since you may not know all the answers so you may need to take your time.

Let’s begin by asking some questions. I don’t expect you to answer them all simultaneously.

  1. How do you feel about/relate to food?
  2. What are your general beliefs or associations about food? Write whether your beliefs or associations empower you or disempower you to the side of each belief or association.
  3. Is there a way I can eat? Do I have any patterns or behaviors related to food?
  4. What are my food-related secrets?
  5. Is there anything connected with my behavior when I eat that I think, feel, or associate with?
  6. In other words, what am I telling myself internally, or what thoughts am I supporting when I eat?
  7. How do I sabotage my health with the Top 5 Foods? What thought, memory, or feeling does that food bring to mind?
  8. What causes feelings to be sabotaged?
  9. How does that time frame or event relate to that link, association or connection?
  10. During that time or event, what FEELING am I trying to “FILL UP” on or experience with the FOOD?

By examining your food behaviours, you will be able to break the habits that aren’t supporting you, and to develop the ones that will help improve your health and make you feel good in your skin.


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